Sunday, May 25, 2008

life in a living coffee

ate roti canai n iced coffee..ahh so relieved.

Friday, May 16, 2008

your dream body?

what??!! a dream body? i am not even close to it! all i'd gained is constantly fat and calories..fuck.

life is like a theatre

last night i had this another worst version of quarrel with mom's always about 'this' stink issue that were likely unavoidable in our entire life.

how should i say - its a family problem and maybe im just having my incoming period symptom that i seems lost my ultimate angst. if not i was sure the baddest daughter in this whole world...

just imagine that.

Monday, May 12, 2008

what do you think of heavy supper?

it sure put pounds of fat over your plumpy body - shit! but it obviously what happens now. i've ordered curry me but the fact i was damn attracted to my sister nasi ayam rendang, damn again! i should have ordered that menu but quick fats and calories make me chosed some curry dish instead..oh my my

okay let me just enjoy this meal first okay.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

caffeine is overrated

i knew drugs is danger and the fact caffeine could do more worse but i just can't resists that. my life is in it i mean sum up of my total driven energy. okay caffeine is really a boring issue to talk to. night.