Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fasting Season

Helloo -

Today's officially the first day of a fasting month. soon after this fasting season there will Raya Fest come along! hihi..feels like i'm a kid by saying all these. but yeah, there's a kid in everybody's heart so let just admit it man..

I woke up as early at 4.45 a.m this morning to get my stomach or as suppose to said -an energy my body could require for the whole day of working day. so there it is, i have just ate fried maggi but honest i don't really feel like i want to eat something. my point of thinking is this - fried maggi is one of my laziness fav dish-to-prepared yet i hardly can finish the only small plate of it.

It's really weird to me to take on with the situation but then no big deal, i had forced myself to let the food get into my mouth so that I can just stop thinking the day/at the peak of the day of like "hey! i haven't eat any this morning, so i feels really forceful to continue with the fasting-doing.." then the stupid request to myself may sounds like "can I just go get eat/drink something because i really could not stand with this tortured session anymore..please.." - hey, that's unforgiven, i mean stop pretending of any stupid things your mind could created on and so to be potrayed bullshits in the eyes of any more self-control inhabitants. Am i right?