its been damn awhile since i have not posting. that's i would say my other self-prob of easily got boring in whatever im doing(what ashamed this problem does sort related to my real situation!)nah!!! I'm in cc surfing and downloading as what i'd often do whenever i got the chance to get connected with fucking internet.yeah..
i went to Tesco today as the matter of a complete purchasing the Samsung TV set but the damn fucking policy of Tesco irritates me lot! I'd be informed the day then that the delivery will only be on Monday & Thursday but then a shitty staff has came across to tell me that today's on duty driver suddenly had an emergency. i can sure understand but where the heck could there be any replacement driver then? shit head also informed me the ordering should be made earlier than the delivery as these 2 transaction cannot be done at the same day, can u believe that?! how on earth could this kind of fucking mess be shame at Tesco. my my
the initial reason why i'm stressing this unhappy expression is because everyone at home were like any of time waiting for the coming of new TV as our old ones had troubled us a lot e.g unadjusted sounds, unclear views etc etc which pulled mom to sort of desperately wanted any kind of bullshit electrical brand like Tagwoo-Made of Malaysia? hell i dunno! it's mom weaknesses of following her whatever guts that led her to the permanent type of problem(like what happened to me because of fucking old man!)fuck fuck fuck!
nevertheless, i had sorted out this TV problem as i will come to tesco today to settle all the transaction n hopefully there be delivery on saturdat as what shitty head had promised me to!!!