yes, yes i admitted it I was totally wrong about my sister's pain. it has nothing to do with some nonsense 'bomoh' or anything was actually appendics(or appendix!) not sure which the correct spelling!God..we were totally shocked I mean my whole family. we never thought Baby gonna have that one! it scared us seriously that at the midnight of Jan 7 she had sent to HKL as in sort of an emergency case..i knew appendix were not kind of very critical deseased that could easily led you to (hate for saying) death..but the moment u knew and take the right action about it would have save next couple years of your life so no kidding..Appendix could do more worse if once it had popped out and you were too late to fix we were lucky enough(Thanks to Allah for everything!) that Baby now in a stabil position after the operation(thanks to doctor as well for doing their job)so yeah
i've just visited her and she seems doing well EXCEPT she cannot do much movement but i knew she is strong girl and she will recover soon enough..just give her some resting times..